IAMA Art Museum in San Francisco

Art Museum


                Auspicious Atmosphere of a Lotus Pond


   (Dr. Yuhua Shouzhi Wang)

       玉花壽之王博士的藝術成就被世界藝術界的權威學者倫敦藝術大學魯慈坦‧霍普金斯(Rootstein Hopkins)繪畫研究講座主席、英國皇家藝術學院院士史蒂芬‧法辛教授(Prof. Stephen Farthing)評為具濃厚的東方意境但又突出地表達了西方的意象,她非常優雅地將“拒絕透視畫法”與“寫實主義”巧妙地融為一體。她的作品既是知識性的又充分表達了情感、既是現實的但又具抽象的意涵、既是事實的描述兼具意象的表達。


玉花壽之王博士筆下的水墨荷花,淨雅高古真氣襲人,既具有八大山人的金石之氣,又具有石濤筆下的筆墨流韻,其意境渾然天成,氣韻清奇脫俗。八大山人畫荷多用濕筆,玉花壽之王博士卻兼用渴筆,渴筆的飛白蒼勁、流暢、華滋而不枯;同時用濕筆活墨加以烘托,使畫面濃郁、深厚、凝斂而不滯;並採用淡水墨、潑墨、撞水等方法,能夠寫出荷花在風、雨、朝、霧中的諸種姿態。用這些方式所畫的荷葉潑墨與渴筆兼用、卷舒自若,層次深厚; 荷干亭亭玉立,氣勢挺拔高古。

Dr. Yuhua Shouzhi Wang is recognized as a preeminent international artist of first-class standing.

Dr. Wang is a virtuoso of color. She was a professor at Auburn University for nine years. In 2008, the United States Congress exhibited her sculptures and paintings in the Gold Room in the Rayburn Congressional Building which received rave reviews. Professor Stephen Farthing of the University of the Arts in London, United Kingdom, determined that “Professor Wang’s paintings reach across cultures to celebrate the space that exists intellectually and emotionally between representation and abstraction, between a fact and an idea…Dr. Wang’s paintings may draw heavily on the traditions of Eastern art, but they present themselves as extraordinarily Western ideas and images.”

#Art Museum San Francisco 


佛教成就聖德 佛教界為趙玉勝居士舉辦盛大告別法會


恭聞 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛說法的受用