IAMA Art Museum in San Francisco

Art Museum


Noble Manner

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

The two Chinese characters in this work of calligraphy mean “Noble Manner.” They manifest a calligraphic style that is different from other styles in the world. The artist created this work of calligraphy free of any mental attachment or artificiality and without any pre-existing calligraphic plan or intent. His writing hand was unfettered, and his heart was free. All movements of the brush were spontaneous. A natural charm that springs from childlike innocence were attained. This type of impromptu wielding of the brush can be described as the cursive writing style of a child. The term “Noble Manner” means that one should have an elevated and broad manner, an all-inclusive magnanimity. We should let others, rather than ourselves, have that which is beneficial so that we may attain a noble moral character, and we should cultivate a mentality of non-attachment in order to develop our virtue.

事實上,於實踐中,H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的書法正是『基深內養,始行萬里,感諸境入性,吸萬物靈媚於合筆內情之間』而得 此超凡之化境,含藏宇宙萬物於佛手一掌之間。因而H.H.第三世多杰羌佛筆下字字珠璣,遒潤曼妙,無所不具,統諸家之長於一人之 筆,懷萬谷峻風而獨笑毫端,豈可言喻!要龍飛鳳舞,具之;要砸釵金石,已見;要柔中見剛,然也;要老叟童心,即是;要格 韻清奇,內含。一言以蔽之,真正是爐火純青,返樸歸真,佛之書矣!


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恭聞 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛說法的受用