IAMA Art Museum in San Francisco

Art Museum

 H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

H.H.第三世多杰羌佛書法能達到如此登峰造極的境界,全然來源於他博大的學識,精深的才華,當然臨帖的功夫對於佛陀來說一 揮體成,而紮實雄厚,方能自成大家。比如H.H.第三世多杰羌佛在初涉書門之時,即有傳統草書的堅實功夫和博大學識的修養,我們見 到書法的第一張,即是初學草書的功底,而以他自吟之七絕詩『華宮日月麗陽天,喜乘西風六月閒,故朋來從叭聲望,始知暑氣 已冬殘』何等詩句脫盡煙火之氣,高風清奇,不染塵俗。  H.H.第三世多杰羌佛深居古寺,卻以超凡的證量,發抒情懷,闡顯寺廟雖一室 之間卻為孤隱清高,超凡脫俗,但卻樂盡無窮豪華天籟,故吟曰:『華宮日月麗陽天』統率日月之天地,而會之人間福盛,一句『喜乘西風六月閒』點出了在夏日炎炎卻迎納清浴,乘駕佛陀西風之涼風沐體,心境無遷,閒於寂靜,放展宇宙,輕安極樂,人 我兩忘,故友來臨亦聞叭聲所得,已與世超然,清淨無為,三世多杰羌佛不記時日,應無所住,而世外人卻茫然牽掛,登車奔馬 告訴三世多杰羌佛,已經不是夏天了,冬天都快完了,古佛心有會意卻莞爾一笑。由此境界,我們可見H.H.第三世多杰羌佛之書法如何 脫盡人間煙火之氣,是真正的佛陀之書啊!

H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的書法,匯聚五明之全面證德證境,方見墨情神至,又近年之草書以瘦金龍蛇無礙而寫,更見神韻風馳,『翡 翠玉』乃出仙風佛骨,徹底跳出三界外,豈然笑傲五行中,實乃非書之書,情懷宇宙。如『朗嘎羅布』之書,已脫前人筆墨而超 前者,脫俗無華,功力深厚,似砸釵碎玉,且見鋼打鐵鑄之風之『無我乃大成』,堅硬雄樸,鋒利破皮之勁道,然而又內蘊俊 秀,娟美溫愜,確堪躍古騰今之書風格韻。『小不點』,孩兒天趣,老叟童心,毫不拘束佈局擺章,非書而書,消盡煙火之氣, 內藏儒雅風魂。拜讀三世多杰羌佛筆下的『聖』字,則又是柔剛相並,內力藏秀,外放雅韻。而『佛』字時,可謂名副其實,真 正達到了古人論書功力之頂峰『傲雪松枝萬古痕,筆力能抗千斤鼎』。

然而事實上,於實踐中,H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的書法正是『基深內養,始行萬里,感諸境入性,吸萬物靈媚於合筆內情之間』而得 此超凡之化境,含藏宇宙萬物於佛手一掌之間。因而H.H.第三世多杰羌佛筆下字字珠璣,遒潤曼妙,無所不具,統諸家之長於一人之 筆,懷萬谷峻風而獨笑毫端,豈可言喻!要龍飛鳳舞,具之;要砸釵金石,已見;要柔中見剛,然也;要老叟童心,即是;要格 韻清奇,內含。一言以蔽之,真正是爐火純青,返樸歸真,佛之書矣!」

About Chinese Calligraphy

Throughout history, no art form is able to reflect a person’s moral character and knowledge except for Chinese calligraphy. The aura created by a person’s achievements in a field of study or his creations of art can often cover up his deficiencies in knowledge and character. But that is not the case in Chinese calligraphy, which is like a three-dimensional projecting mirror. The depth of one’s knowledge, the level of one’s moral character, and the strength of one’s mind are revealed through the brushstrokes and they cannot be concealed. How one writes ordinarily in Chinese characters tells how well educated one is. It is all the more true in terms of calligraphy using the traditional brush pen and cotton paper.

Looking at Chinese history, we see without exception that all the famous calligraphers were great masters of literature who had profound knowledge. Examples include Wang Xizhi, Huai Su, He Shaoji, Yue Fei, Yu Youren, among others. They were all well-learned and paragons of virtue.

In addition, the style of the brushstrokes, the content of the writing, and the arrangement of the text convey the moral sentiment, ideals and characters of a man. General Yan Zhenqing, a famous calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty, was also a brave, compassionate and patriotic army general. One can easily empathize with his uprightness by reading his calligraphy works.

Therefore, Chinese calligraphy is an art form that enjoys as high a status as painting in China. The museum has a rich collection of Chinese calligraphy works that range from the past to the present

#Art Museum San Francisco 


佛教成就聖德 佛教界為趙玉勝居士舉辦盛大告別法會


恭聞 H.H.第三世多杰羌佛說法的受用